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CLICK HERE for Full Announcements.

Hybrid Worship on Sunday, Nov 5, 2023 at 10:30 am: This Sunday we are led in worship by Rev David. At 10:20 am, Development Steering will have a special announcement to share with everyone in-person so make sure you arrive in good time to hear about it. To join the ZOOM on Sunday, CLICK HERE. To read the order of service for Sunday, CLICK HERE.
Daylight Savings Time ends: Make sure to set your clocks back this Saturday night! We FALL BACK one hour.
Trinity + WorshipMissed the In-Person Sunday Gathering? For a video of the most recent Sunday service, CLICK HERE. Streamed on our YouTube Channel on Oct 29.
Congregational Potluck Dinner: Was a great success. Thank you for all the delicious food everyone brought and all the love and fellowship in the room! Please send any photos you took in to the office so we have a nice record of the event.

The UCC Remit Story: The Governance Team would like to report on a remit vote that took place at our last Governance Meeting on October 24, 2023. CLICK HERE.

Trinity Times 6.2: Just freshly published, the Trinity Times has all the latest congregational news! Kudos to Jo-Ann and Pat B. (and all the lovely contributors) for their work. CLICK HERE to read.
UCW This Sunday: The UCW Executive will meet Sunday, Nov 5 after worship in the Library.
DOERs Meeting: Monday, November 13 at 6:30 pm in the Library and Narthex. Let's get the teams together for some sharing and planning!
Growing Generosity: This week our DOERs Team will be highlighted during our worship. Check out our stewardship program for this year, CLICK HERE.
Silent Auction Items Urgently Requested: The Bazaar Team needs lovely, desirable Silent Auction items for it to be successful: objets d'art, dishes, electrical doohickies, jewellery, etc. Good quality new or nearly new items can be left in the Choir Room for processing. Last day to donate: Sun, Nov 19. Thank you.
Christmas Bazaar: The Sign-Up Sheet is now available for you to write your name on! Pick a table, join in the excitement. On Saturday, November 25 from 10 am to 2 pm, the Trinity United Christmas Bazaar will be a congregational and community-building event you don't want to miss. CLICK HERE.  Lunch will be served 11 am to 1:30 pm.