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CLICK HERE for Full Announcements

Hybrid Worship on Sunday, May 14, 2023 at 10:30 am: This Sunday we are led in worship by Rev David. It is the sixth Sunday of Easter and we will celebrate Communion. To join the ZOOM on Sunday, CLICK HERE. To read the order of service for Sunday, CLICK HERE.
New Church Directory: The new 2023 Church Directory is now available. Pick up a copy at worship on Sunday, or drop by the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We will be sending a PDF copy to the email list early next week.
Weather Warning: Unseasonably hot weather will develop over coastal BC beginning today through Tuesday. Daytime highs will be 10 to 15 degrees Celsius above seasonal values (approaching 34C/93 F) while overnight temperatures will also be above normal. With elevated temperatures, the risk of heat related illnesses will increase. (However, the hot conditions will not approach those reached during the "Heat Dome" of late June 2021.) Adjust your plans and check on each other! ♥♥♥
Memorial Service for Bobby Raghoobarsingh: Tomorrow, Sat, May 13 at 11 am here at Trinity. Please be aware that the May Day Parade will take place on the same day and make plans to avoid the downtown when coming to the church that day. It is also slated to be hot, so keep safe.
Next Doers Meeting: Welcoming Spring with Fruit Salad, Ice Cream, and... Thinking! Monday evening, May 15 @ 6:30 pm. Come together to take part in the working community at Trinity. All interest groups will communicate their doings, concerns, and needs. Worship and Music, Christian Education, Pastoral Care, Property, United Church Women, Stewardship, and Trinity United Mens Club. Attend an interest group for the first time out of “curiosity and interest” - everyone is welcome. Fresh ideas and input make for a healthy church family!
Annual Reports: Report are due, this coming Monday, May 15. (Email Zoë if you'd like a copy of last year's report to work from.)
Mission & Service Report: In 2022, Trinity sent $14,500.50 to Mission & Service. Thank you, all who gave. "Faithful" is a good descriptive word to apply to Mission & Service supporters at Trinity. Our congregational goal for M&S was again set at $10,000 and we exceeded that goal. With both individual givers (through direct giving and PAR) as well as group giving (as with UCW and others): we have participated in God's Mission. We are called to share what we have been given -- our time, our talents, and skills, our monies, and our physical resources. Thank you for your leadership. Thank you for your generosity. Your faithful support makes all the difference. Respectfully submitted, Joy Galea, Mission & Service Enthusiast.
TUC AGM upcoming: We would like to let everyone know about the upcoming Annual Congregational Meeting on June 11th.  A time to celebrate the work, time and talents of everyone at Trinity!  The meeting will take place within the worship service – “Worship and Work must be One! “– with fellowship and lunch to follow.  Please join us! There is a sign-up sheet for lunch in the hallway across from the kitchen door OR you can send an email to Zoë at: or call her at 604-942-0022, confirming your attendance for lunch.  Deadline to sign up is noon on June 5th.